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A life-long Jersey guy, Jack was born in Somerville and raised in the Borough of Raritan, where his grandparents immigrated 100 years ago. 
He earned a degree in Accounting from Seton Hall, where he also got his MBA. Jack is also a Certified Public Accountant (inactive).


Jack is a successful entrepreneur and small business owner twice over, having founded two successful Main Street businesses right here in New Jersey.


But of all the titles he’s earned, he’s most proud to be called “Dad.” He’s the father of four children, now all adults, each already accomplished in their fields. 


Jack has always believed in giving back to the community that has given him so much. In the public arena, he has served at every level of government, including the Raritan Borough Council, the Somerset County Freeholder Board, and the State Assembly – each time winning tough races, and then voluntarily term-limiting himself. 


In 2021, Jack ran for governor and re-energized the state’s Republican Party, defying media predictions and coming within a few points of knocking off the sitting incumbent governor.


Along the way, he led the ticket to historic victories up and down the state, with Republicans picking up seven seats in the state legislature, including beating the Senate President. In helping down-ballot Republicans also win hundreds of local and county races,  New Jersey Republicans had their best Election Day in 30 years.  

Since then, Jack hasn’t stopped. He has continued to speak out on the challenges facing New Jerseyans, crisscrossing the state, supporting candidates, and promoting common-sense solutions to kitchen table problems.

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